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Mulch is often sold by weight in bags, but a volume is assigned to the material in bags, too. We'll treat this as a volume problem as we have an area to cover (880 square feet), and a depth of coverage assigned (2 inches). We have to find the volume of that 880 square feet by 2 inch volume. First, we need to convert either the area in square feet to square inches, or the depth in inches to feet. The latter makes more sense (and it's easier), so let's do that.

The 2 inches is 2/12ths of a foot, or 1/6th of a foot. We'll go with that. If we have 880 square feet by 1/6th of a foot in depth, we have 880 square feet times 1/6 feet, which is 146 2/3rds cubic feet of mulch, the required amount of mulch to cover the given area to the desired depth.

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Q: How much mulch would you need to cover 880 square feet at 2 inches deep?
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