2.4 meters=240 centimeters
There are 5280 feet in a mile. Therefore 6000 feet is equal to one mile and 720 feet.
1 mile =5280 Feet
Sqaure feet measure area, Feet mesure length
16x16x16=4096 ml
15 feet is 457.2 centimeters.
5 feet 1 inch, or 61 inches, is 154.94 centimeters
how many cetimeters are in one mm
One. There are ten cetimeters in one decimeter.
There are 100 cm in 1 meter
1 litre of water is 1,000 cc.
1200 of them.
100 centimeters
300 cm
5 inches = 12.7 centimetres
1 meter=100 centimeters