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You would not. A fraction is a pure number - with no measurement units associated with it. A weight is a measure of force.

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Q: How much or what fraction would you weighthe moon?
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What does the moon do when the sunlit fraction is getting smaller?

The sunlit fraction of the Moon never changes ... it's always 50% .What changes is how much of that 50% we can see from Earth.The Moon is not doing anything special while that happens.

How much lighter will you be on the moon if you are now 20kg?

If you weigh 20kg on Earth, you would weigh approximately 1/6th of that on the moon due to its weaker gravity. So, on the moon, you would weigh around 3.33kg.

What would happen if the moon was 2times larger?

the proportion of the earth and the moon would be much different, and the moon would then revolve on its own around the sun.

How much land is there on Earth In a Fraction?

Approx 0.292 which, as a fraction would be 73/250.

How much more do you weigh on the moon in ounces?

You would weigh about 1/6 as much on the moon as you weigh on earth if you were not wearing heavy equipment. I would weigh about 560 ounces on the moon.

If you lived on the moon how much would you weigh?

If you weighed 100kg on Earth, you would weigh 13.2kg on the Moon

How much would a 70 LB person weigh on the moon?

On the moon you would weigh 11.6 pounds.

How much would 45 kilograms weigh on the moon?

On Earth's moon, it would weigh 7.4 kilograms.

Would it have the same weightt on earth as on the moon?

No. It would weigh 6.04 times as much on Earth as it weighs on the Moon.

What fraction of earth gravity the moons gravity?

An object on the Moon's surface weighs 16.55% as much as the same object weighs when it's on the Earth's surface. The fraction is roughly 1/6.

What fraction of earth's gravity is moons gravity?

An object on the Moon's surface weighs 16.55% as much as the same object weighs when it's on the Earth's surface. The fraction is roughly 1/6.

How much does the gravity take off of you when you are on the moon?

On the moon you would weigh about on sixth of what you do on Earth.