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i think about 50 to 60 percentage of germs is left on your hand

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Q: How much percentage of germs is left on your hands after washing them?
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What percentage of germs are left on your hands after washing them?

It GREATLY depends on the type of soap you're using. Keep in mind however that all soaps loosen the microbes on your skin to some degree.

Why would a doctor recommend washing your hands to help prevent spreading a communicable disease?

With the advent of indoor plumbing and soap manufacturing, the spread of disease dropped dramatically. Simply washing the bacteria from your hands prevents transmission of germs from person to person.

How does washing your hands help prevent the spread of?

Microbes that cause disease are actually "things". Things that can be washed off like dirt. They can be washed off your hands before you touch yourself with the germs still on your hands. If you have the pathogens on your hands and then touch your nose, mouth, or eyes, the chance of getting the infection the germs cause is much higher. Washing your hands actually mechanically removes these "things" from your skin both with the friction and rubbing with the soap and also with the washing action of the running warm water. Drying your hands well on clean towels will also help dislodge any microbes left behind. In addition, the soap/detergents also affect some types of microbes by removing the protective fats/oils that surround them and/or hold them on your skin. It is hard to remember that you may have recently touched something in public that might have germs on it when your nose itches. You forget and rub it with the contaminated hands and pass the germs directly into the vulnerable mucous tissue. Try to develop some hand awareness habits and frequently used routines for washing hands after public contacts.

Who should use hand sanitizers?

Every body has bacteria on their hands. There are both good and bad bacteria live and multiplying on everybodies hands. Personal hygeine is essential to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. Effective hand washing technique with hot soapy water and adequate drying of hands after will remove the majority of bacteria. Germs and bacteria thrive in moist conditions. Any Health Care Worker or Food Handler should be exceptional with their technique and habits. Using just cold water washing hands, will just relocate the germs and bacteria to a different position on your hands. Be aware of what you touch before and after. We should all practice basic thorough technique and remember that germs and bacteria can be seen under a microscope but not with the naked eye.If you use hand sanitizer be carefull with how often you use it as if you use it to often the germs left behind will eventually become immune to it. If you read the label you see it only gets rid of usually 99.9% of bacteria. that .1% multiples. washing your hands with hot soapy water is prop. the best thing you can do.

Where is the drain pipe on the washing machine and how do you get it of?

It is located at the bottom left corner of the machine. Just apply your strength on it by pulling it and there you go, its right in your hands in a jiffy.

What do Muslims do befor they pray?

they do Ablution before each pray unless they didnt go to bathroom between 2 prays . Ablution consist of : 1- washing face 3 times 2- washing left and right hands to the elbow 3 times 3- washing mouth , nose and ear 4- washing hair 3 times 5- washing legs 3 times * the "washing"s I said , I meant having little bit of water in their hands and passing it on and the ablution conditions may differ a little bit from sunni to shiey

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Do babies have germs?

Yes germs do have babies and Evan though you clean germs off many places like counters with Mr.Clean magic wipes or ect, you still only kill 99.9% of the germs and the germ(s) left has babies and then they have babies and soon you have 100% of germs back on the counter or the place you have just cleaned. So yes germs do have babies.

Does rubbing hands kill germs?

Frequent hand washing is the BEST way to NOT get colds and the flu. BUT do it right: HOT water, and SOAP, and do it for at least as long as it takes you to SING the national anthem, from start to finish. You do know the words, right? The point here is this: most people don't wash LONG enough, and don't use soap, every time.Some researchers now say that antibacterial soaps and gels may cause more harm than good. They remove beneficial bacteria on your skin, and may cause bacteria to mutate. Regular old soap is best. As stated above, the best line of defense against all kinds of illness is hand washing. It doesn't have to be hot water - any temp will be effective. Try singing happy birthday twice while washing your hands.It's an ad sham to use antibacterial soaps or gels. We have good bacteria on our skin and when we use these antibacterial products they not only strip that good bacteria, but also strip the oils in the skin causing chapped and sometimes lesions on the skin which in turn will do you more harm because the lesions are open and will pick up bacteria. Soap and water is all you need.See more information about hand washing and protecting yourself from microbes in the related questions section.

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It's "Allemande Left". Turn an individual with left hands joined. In some regions, the hands are joined low, other regions feature the hands joined shoulder height.