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Q: How much postage do you need to mail a 5.25 x 6.5 inch envelope in the US?
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How much postage do you need to mail a 5 by 7 inch envelope in the US?

Go to the site below and click on the "Calculate Postage" tab.

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How much postage do you need to mail a 6 by 8 inch envelope in the US?

A 6x8 inch padded envelope will require approximately $3.00 for up to 13 ounces. The USPS website offers the tools for all calculations based on weight and envelope dimensions

How much postage do you need to mail a 4 x 4 inch envelope in the US?

1st class letter price which is 46 cents as of Oct 2013

How much postage does it take to mail a 9x12 envelope to 80920?

Calculate it on

How much postage for a 6x8 envelope?

How much postage is required for a 6x8 inch card? It weighs less than 1 ounce.

How much postage does it take to mail a 6x8 envelope?

The postage rate to mail a 6x8 envelope in the United States as of 2014 is $0.44 if it is within the regulated weight. Additional costs may occur if it weighs more.

How much does it cost to mail a 6 and a half inch square envelope?

An envelope with a height exceeding 6 and one-eighths inches, and any square envelope, is non-machinable. Therefore, the rate for first class US domestic postage is $.64.

How much to mail a 3.5 oz 6 x 9 inch envelope?

As of August 2012, first class US postage for a 6x9 3.5oz domestic letter is $1.05.

How much postage to mail a 9 x 12 envelope weighing 2.8 ounces?
