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When she reaches the top of the ladder, her potential energy has increased by

M G H = (100) (9.8) (10) = 9,800 joules.

Spread over 10 seconds, her potential energy increases at the rate of 980 watts.

She has to work at at least that rate plus more, since muscular activity is never 100% efficient.

By the way, this is a very fast climb. It might not be obvious from any of the numbers

discussed so far. But consider that 980 watts is 1.32 horsepower, which is a mighty

effort for any human being. Of course, being a 100-kg (220-lb) woman, she may well

be accustomed to it.

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Q: How much power is required for a 100 kg woman to climb a ladder 10 meters in height in 10 seconds?
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