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Q: How much psi does a garden hose put out?
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What is a situation where you would need to find the perimeter?

I want to put a fence around my garden. My garden is 20' x 50'. In order to buy the correct amount of fencing, I would need to be able to find the perimeter (distance around) my garden.

How many fence posts would you need if you put a post every 10 feet around the perimeter of a square garden that is 50 feet on each side?

20 posts.

How is water wasted at home?

Showers that go on too long.Baths that are too big and filled with too much water.Swimming pools that leak or evaporate a lot of water.Leaking pipes and dripping faucets.Using washing machines and dishwashers for just a few things.Leaving the water running when you are brushing your teeth.Using a big old cistern for your toilet instead of a dual flush. (You can put a plastic bottle full of water into your cistern to use less water.)Watering your garden in the heat of the day when the spray evaporates.Not capturing your roof water into tanks but letting it run away into drains.Not using a little bowl in the sink for small washings up.Using a hose to clean your driveway instead of a broom.Washing your car with a hose instead of a bucket.ways to improvesmaller showerslower water level in bathsput covers over poolsturn off water when brushing teethwater plant in the eveninguse water tanksuse a cup for small washing upsuse a broom to clean your drivewaywash your car with a bucket

How much is adding?

well it depends on which website you plan to put an ad on

If you have 40 feet of fencing to put around a garden what are the dimensions of the largest rectangular garden he can enclose?

What do you mean by "largest" ??? Do you want the widest rectangle ? The longest rectangle ? How about the rectangle with the most area ? The length can be anything less than 20 ft, and the width can be anything less than 20 ft. Any of those shapes will have an area greater than zero. The rectangular garden with the greatest possible area is a square, 10 ft x 10 ft. Its area is 100 square feet.

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What are the step to Flushing a 2000 DTS Radiator?

Remove the bottom radiator hose. Put a garden hose into the top of the radiator. Allow the garden hose to run until the water coming out of the bottom of the radiator is clear.

How to clean a orifice tube?

Wash it off with simple green and a garden hose and put it back it in.

How much psi does the fuel pump on a 06 ninja 650R put out?

47 psi according to the manual

How much air do you need to put in your tires?

44 psi

How long does the typical garden hose last?

If you take care of a garden hose, meaning you put it out of the weather, it will last as long as you live. If you keep it in the elements, hot and cold weather, it still could last up to 10 years.

How much air should i put in a land rover discovery's tire?

Front 28 PSI. Rear 38 PSI.

A good homemade instrument for school?

I'm assuming Musical instrument. Take a old garden hose and put a funnel on the end, you get a trumpet. The longer the hose is the lower the instrument will be.

How much air do you put in a Ford Fiesta encore tires?

30 psi

How much psi should be put into a bike tire?

The recommended psi for a bike tire is typically between 80-120 psi, but it can vary depending on the type of tire and rider preference.

How much air do you put in a tire for a 2001 ford wind star?

32 psi

How do you drain your above ground pool with a garden hose?

Siphon it out. You can create a siphon by either sucking really hard on one end of the garden hose while the other end is under water, or the easier way, with 2 garden hoses as follows: -Get 2 garden hoses. Hook one to the spigot, put it in the pool and turn it on. set the other hose up with one end in the pool, and the other wherever you want to drain the water to. -Hold the ends of the 2 hoses that are in the pool, together with your hands, so the spigot water runs through the 2nd hose. Pull them apart, and you will feel the suction pulling the water out of your pool through the empty hose. -Take the hose that is connected to the spigot, out of your pool, and turn the spigot off. -Make sure the other garden hose does not fall out of the pool, or you will lose suction and have to start all over again! -When you get towards the bottom, you will have to physically hold the hose and move it around to get the water out without losing suction. You have to have the end of the hose that the water is running out of below the level of the bottom of the pool. You can do it with on.y one hose. Put one end of the hose in the pool and connect the other end to the faucet and turn it on until the air is forced from the hose. If the faucet is below the pool just disconnect the hose and lay it on the ground. You can move it around as long as the end of the hos estays below the top of the water. If the faucet is above the water level have someone put thier finger over the end of the hose in the pool while you move the end of the hose to a spot below the bottomof the pool.

How much PSI do leading brand air comoressors push out?

Many air compressors will have a gauge that will determine the maximum amount of PSI that the device will put out. For example, there may be a gauge that has numbers from 0 to 120. The maximum amount will be 120 PSI for that particular compressor. Tires and the like will call for a specific amount of PSI to use and many compressors can be set to put out specifically that amount of PSI.