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Depend's On your Metabolism, And If your active or not. But i would say around 5 Min.

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Q: How much running does it take to burn off 1 peanut M and M?
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How much peanut butter does it take for a sandwich?

just enough for your needs.

How many calories do you burn running 1 mile?

Depends on your weight, gender, age, fitness level etc, but not that much. Let's say an average burn during running is 600 cals/hour. Now, running a mile isn't going to take you that long, maybe 10 minutes or so. So you're looking at a burn of maybe 100 calories or thereabouts.

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no much, unless ofcourse its a multi-patner romp that has you running from guy to guy. And if you end up eating the jizz its about 15 calories that you will take in

What will happen when a peanut is heated?

When a peanut is heated, the natural oils in the peanut will start to melt, causing it to release its aroma and flavor. Heating can also help enhance the nutty taste of the peanut and make it more crunchy. Just be careful not to overheat it, as this can result in burning and a bitter taste.

Can anybody get sun burn?

Yes, although people with darker skin take much longer to burn.

How much water does it take to grow a peanut?

it takes 20 because it needs to ok ok..

How much peanut butter does it take to kill an elephant?

If done correctly only 2 to 3 jars.

Is it healthier to walk or run?

Both of them, When you're running you should always take a walk break it will burn lots of calories and reduce fat, At least take a walk break while running every 5-10 minutes

How much workout does it take to burn 75 calories?

1.800 steps walking.

How do you measure how much salt there is in the sea?

Take a spoon and take some water from the sea, burn it, see how much salt there are then x 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, you get the answer!

Do you burn more calories running or lifting weights?

When it comes to burning calories, your heart rate is much more important than what it is that you are doing.If you can reach and sustain the same heart rate for the same amount of time you will burn pretty much the same amount of calories regardless of activity.Usually running would get your heart rate up, and keep your heart rate up more consistently than weight lifting, so for the same period of time, running would burn more calories.They are very different exercises because running is aerobic while lifting is anaerobic. Both should be included in an exercise plan though.It has been said that 30 minutes of NON-STOP lifting burns as much calories as running a mile. Running a mile shouldn't take you much longer than 12-15 minutes. So imagine how many calories you would burn if you ran for 30 minutes instead of lifiting. If you plan on burning calories and not building muscle, i would go with running.

How can you increase the number if calories you burn?

The most direct way to burn calories fast is to take in fewer calories than you burn off. Increasing activity by taking the stairs, running, doing the eliptical are all quick ways to get rid of those calories.