Obviously, this question has no exact answer. Some people weigh more but are shorter and others are that same height but underweight. Average would probably be from 50 lbs - 70 lbs. (Just a guess)
35-40 kg<3 xx
Not at all. You weigh about 88 pounds. thankyou. how much do you weigh?
you should weigh 85 pounds
5.05 kg or 40 pounds
between 40 - grams
A grade 3 should weigh about 40 or higher
you should weigh about 30 to to 40 pounds. if you are 3'1 to 3'9 youu should weigh about that much. an average baby of toddler should weigh to about 20 to 40 pounds. over that, they are obese for a baby or a toddler.
i have a medium build am 5'3 am 40 years old, how much should i weigh comforatbly where i dont have to starve myself to keep it off.
a medium of 40 kiloes to 60 kiloes
35 - 40 kgs
I think its around 32 to 40 kilos
The average 40 year-old man weighs about 145 pounds.
40 kilograms weigh 88.18 pounds.
40 kilo 40 kilo
35-40 kg<3 xx
i would say about 20 to 40 pounds