To find out how much smaller 2973 is compared to 3751, you would subtract 2973 from 3751.
3751 - 2973 = 778
Therefore, 2973 is 778 units smaller than 3751.
It is 4.1 smaller.
A milliliter is 1000 times smaller than a liter.
No.This is because micrometer is smaller than the millimeter but the millimeter is much smaller than the kilometers so the correct answer is NO.
Much smaller. Six meters is 600 cm
Much, MUCH smaller than the smallest star.
Antarctica is much, much smaller than Africa.
Much smaller
No, Pluto is much smaller than venus.
Smaller. Much smaller.
A 100 is ten times smaller than a 1000
Asteroids are much smaller than Earth.
France is much smaller than the US.
Yes a Bay is much smaller than a Gulf.
Yes, the Sun is much smaller than Betelgeuse.
Much smaller.
It is 4.1 smaller.