A decimal is a form of representing a number. It has no area at all.
There is no such unit of measurement as a decimal.
One hectare is equal to 107,638.58 square feet.
1 acre = 43560.17 sqft divide that by 3 = 14520.06 sqft
80.0 Sqft
7.48 gallons in 1 sqft sooo... .13 sqft in a gallon of water but i dont see how this is useful.
There is no such unit of measurement as a decimal.
13,760 sqft = 1,278.34m2
144 sqft is 13.378 sqm
One hectare is equal to 107,638.58 square feet.
5,180 square feet is about 11.8% of one acre.
approximately 7 feet
1.62 lbs per sqft
1 acre = 43560.17 sqft divide that by 3 = 14520.06 sqft
80.0 Sqft
7.48 gallons in 1 sqft sooo... .13 sqft in a gallon of water but i dont see how this is useful.
9000 sqft
one biswa is equeal to 1360 sqft. according to this 1360* 3 = 4080 sqft