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Q: How much storage do you need for 25000 songs?
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How many gigs of storage should I look for on a player if I want to add about 500 songs?

You will need at least 8 gigs of storage for 500 songs.

If you have 975000 how much does it take to make one million?

1,000,000 - 975,000 = 25,000 Therefore, you would need another 25,000 to make a million.

How do you transfer songs from ipod to a computer?

To transfer song from an iPod to a computer, you need to connect the iPod to the computer and turn on the USB mass storage. Once, the USB mass storage has been turned on, the songs can then be transferred.

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It would totally depend on how many shoes you have as to how much closet storage you need. If you have a large amount of shoes, you will need plenty of storage space and a larger closet.

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How many gigabytes does the largest capacity iPhone 5 have?

The gigabytes that the largest capacity iPhone 5 have is about 64GB. iPhone 5 model can be used to download and play music, which takes a bit of storage space. So determining how many songs can store will help one to know how much storage he will need.

Are there fireproof office file storage options?

There are many options for fireproof file storage. There are various types and styles, depending on the type files you have and how much storage you need.

Is there any software needed to load songs onto this MP3 player?

MP3 players don't need software.Windows will recognize them automatically as a storage device.

How much does acid reflux disease surgery cost?

It depends there is drug treatment from 5-150$ but the surgery is very expensive and you will need at least 10000$ to 25000$

How much salt do you use on a 25000 gallon pool that you just filled with water?

You'll need about 240 pounds to start, to get chlorine level to correct amount