The answer depends on the price of the skirt.
See related links for a 7.75% sales tax rate chart.
The sales tax due is $1.80
The total tax is $1.40
If the sales tax rate is 10% percent the amount of sales tax would be $1
The auto sales tax rate in Lake County, Illinois is 6.25 percent. Their special sales tax is .75 percent which comes to 7 percent total sales tax.
Hall County's combined sales tax rate is 7 percent. This is comprised of 3 percent Hall County local sales tax and 4 percent Georgia state sales tax.
The total tax is $64.00
The total tax is $5,100.00 and the total price with tax is $90,100.00.
The sales tax and use rate is 6 percent across Arkansas with one exception. In Texarkana, that rate is 7 percent. A local tax may also be assessed.Please see related link below.
59.71 (A+)