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Depends entirely on WHAT the 3 felonies are. If you have been charged with 3 felonies, you need a lawyer, NOT WikiAnswers.

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Q: How much time do you get if you get charged with three felonies at one time in the state of Pa?
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How much time would a person get if charged with one c felony and three d felonies in Iowa?

We can't answer this in full context, it would depend on the individual crime. If the judge were to sentence this individual to prison for all four offenses, the individual is looking at a minimum of four years.

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Misdemeanors are set in Arkansas at 1 year. Felonies are much longer. This can be tolled for up to 3 years if they are absent from the state.

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Without knowing any information the only answer is - for MULTIPLE felonies - a LONG time.

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It varies state to state, but up to 30 years.

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Up to five life sentences, depending on exactly what the felonies are.

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Aggravated stalking is considered a felony in the state of Florida. A felony is a criminal classification of a sentence over a year in a state prison. The sentences for felonies can range from one year to death.

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He/she can be charged with Bigamy which is a felony. That is a lot of trouble. (and three mothers-in-law)

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Cannot answer due entirely to a lack of sufficient information.

How much time do you serve on a 3 year state sentence?

Three years.