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Well you could just say "billion" job done. 1/2 second,

If you started at zero and counted one digit every second, it would take, obviously one billion seconds.

So how long is that:

  • 16,666,667 minutes
  • 11,574 days
  • 31 1/2 years

Hopefully you have something more constructive to do with your time?

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Q: How much time do you need to count to a billion?
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Scientifically: It depends on how fast you count . . . most people count at about one number per second, so it might take 1 billion seconds . . . unless you paused or took breaks. Or: A LONG TIME

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How long would it take to count 1 billion seconds?

No doubt about it, it will take a very long time. 1 day has 86,400 seconds, and if you divide 1,000,000 by 86,400, then you'll get how much time it'll take to count 1 million seconds, which is about 11 days. If you want to get 1 billion, then you times 11 by 1,000 (because 1,000,000,000 is 1,000 times bigger than 1,000,000), and the result of this is... 11574 days, or... 1653 weeks, or... 31 years.

For saying big numbers does the US use the long-count method or the short-count method?

The U.S. uses the short scale method. In the U.S., we call 1,000,000,000 a billion, not a thousand million or a milliard. The short scale has been taught exclusively in schools for a very long time, and few Americans even know that "one billion" can, for much of the world, refer to what Americans call a trillion.

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