Between seven and eight on average.
97,464 working from 18-65 an average 8 hour day 5 days a week
Apart from the fact that they are average, nothing. For example, the average time I spend sleeping has nothing to do with any average speed.
Approximately 2-6 weeks.
1/2 years or more. If you have bladder issues could be up to 4 years.
On average, people spend about one-third of their lifetime sleeping. This equates to approximately 25 years of a person's life spent sleeping.
30 years
Between seven and eight on average.
25+ years. Depends how old the person lives and the average amount of sleep each night. If average age= 80, and the person sleeps on average 8 hours per night, he/she will have slept almost 26 years in their lifetime
97,464 working from 18-65 an average 8 hour day 5 days a week
about half of their lifetime
The average person will spend over 2 weeks in their lifetime waiting for traffic lights to change.
The average fraction of the day one spends sleeping is 3/8.
6 months for their lifetime.
its sleeping