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From 6:15pm to 7:15am is 13 hours.

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Q: How much time has it past since 615 PM till 715 AM?
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How many time has it past since 615 PM till 7 15 AM?

13 + 24k hours where k is an integer.

What time is it if its half past a monkeys ass and a quarter till its balls?

The time is 7:00

What part of speech is then?

It can be an adverb, as in 'things were cheaper then'. It can also be an adjective as in being at the time indicated 'the then Governor'. It can be used as a noun as 'we have not been back since then' or 'till then, goodbye'.

How much time do you?

It depends on what you mean by it, if you mean that exactly, it would mean how much time till you die? Nobody knows.

Can time travel really change the past since there are some things that cant be changed?

Time travel can change some thing from the past but not all

What does the suffix ago or ugo mean?

The suffix "ago" or "ugo" indicates a past time or action. It is commonly used in English to show how much time has passed since an event occurred.

How much free time do you have?

It depends on what you mean by it, if you mean that exactly, it would mean how much time till you die? Nobody knows.

What part of speech is the word since?

Since is a preposition, a conjunction, and an adverb of length of time.It can be an adverb, preposition, or conjunction, depending on how it is used in a sentence.-adverb 1. from then till now (often prec. by ever): He was elected in 1978 and has been president ever since. 2. between a particular past time and the present; subsequently: She at first refused, but has since consented. 3. ago; before now: long since. -preposition 4. continuously from or counting from: It has been warm since noon. 5. between a past time or event and the present: There have been many changes since the war. -conjunction 6. in the period following the time when: He has written once since he left. 7. continuously from or counting from the time when: He has been busy since he came. 8. because; inasmuch as: Since you're already here, you might as well stay.

When has patriotism been shown in the past?

being awesome and owning since the beginning of time

How much time past from 689bc to ad1?

311 years

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Time ocean of the till star.

What time does a 14 year old have to be home?

A 14 year old shoud be allowed out till about 12 or half past 11 . They should be trusted