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Q: How much time is required to complete one cycle if the frequency is 120 Hz?
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How did imaginary numbers impact mathematics?

Imaginary numbers are used in complex numbers that make some math simpler like electronics where there is a cycle frequency it makes the math much simpler to handle complex equations

What will the wavelength of a wave do if the period of the wave increases?

The wavelength will increase if the period increases.Proof:First define the terms: Wavelength = Lamda (λ), Velocity of propagation = v, frequency = f, period of oscillation = T. Frequency asks "how many waves per unit time (seconds usually)".Period asks "How much time (seconds) does it take for one wave cycle to complete".Also, frequency is inversely proportional to period, so f = 1/T. Also, T = 1/f.(Incidentally, note that as period (T) increases, then frequency (f) gets decreases. Or if frequency increases, then period decreases.)λ = v/forλ = vT. (by replacing f with 1/T)If the frequency decreases, OR/AND the velocity increases, then wavelength corespondingly increases.If the period increases OR/AND the velocity increases, then the wavelength increases.

What is cumulative percent?

Cumulative percentage is another way of expressing frequency distribution. It calculates the percentage of the cumulative frequency within each interval, much as relative frequency distribution calculates the percentage of frequency.

What is the advantage of relative frequency distribution vs distribution frequency?

These help to distribute the frequency much better than the latter. The noise might not be as loud or boisterous this way.

How much time is required to execute an instruction which takes single cycle for execution?

One cycle, in a computer, takes a time that is the reciprocal of the computer's clock rate - that which is expressed in MHz, or - more commonly nowadays - in GHz. Example: if your computer has a clock rate of 3 GHz, the time for a single cycle is (1 / 3 billion) seconds, i.e., 1/3 of a nanosecond, or 333 picoseconds.

Related questions

How much time does it take to complete the day and night cycle?

It takes 24 hours for one complete cycle.

If a signal has a frequency of 100 HZ and a phase of 180 degrees how much time has the wave been offset from 0?

The period - the time for one full cycle - is the reciprocal of the frequency. If the frequency is in Hz, the time will be in seconds.From 0 to 180 degrees is one-half of a full cycle.

How much time is required to complete high school?

4 years.

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2 years

What are Advantages and disadvantages of mechanical systems?

Advantages: -make work much more easier to complete -make work faster to complete -less energy required -less exerted force required Disadvantages: -may malfunction and corrupt the entire system

How much time is associated with the replication cycle of a lytic cycle?

The replication cycle of a lytic cycle typically takes around 20 to 40 minutes to complete in a bacteriophage system. This includes the attachment, entry, biosynthesis, maturation, and release phases of the cycle.

How much time is required to complete education in welding?

How much time is required to complete education in welding depends on the type of welding education you are seeking. The American Welding Society webpage is a great place to get answers, and for Canadians, the Canadian Welding Society.

A refrigerator removes heat from the freezing compartment at the rate of 20 kJ and ejects 24 kJ into a room per cycle How much work is required in each cycle?

(4 kJ) divided by (efficiency of the refrigerator).

Which EM waves has the highest frequency?

There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.

How much does repairs cost?

The hourly time it takes, multiplied by the hourly mechanic's rate for your area, plus the parts required to complete the repair.

How much education is required for a baby doctor?

After high school, a baby doctor or pediatrician is required to complete four years of college and four years of medical school. After graduation of medical school, a pediatric residency of two years is also required.

How much work input is required for each cycle if during each cycle of operation a refrigerator absorbs 230 J of heat from the freezer and expels 356 J of heat to the room?

The work input required can be calculated using the first law of thermodynamics, which states that the work input for a cycle is equal to the heat absorbed minus the heat expelled. In this case, the work input would be 126 J (356 J - 230 J) for each cycle.