About 3 and 1/2 minutes.
To travel 145 miles in 3.5 hours requires an average speed of 145/3.5 mph. The distance traveled at this speed for 5 hours would be approximately 207 miles (5 x 145/3.5 miles).
It depends on how fast you travel.
It depends on how fast the train is moving! Speed is how far you travel in a certain amount of time, and you can pretty much go any speed up to around 270 miles per hour on different trains.You'll have to find out how fast the train is moving and figure it out - if the train is traveling X miles in one hour, then how many hours will it take to travel 45 miles?
10-12 thousand miles is a good average
If 114 miles/hour is an average speed of the Travel, It will take only half an hour to reach that destination.
About 3 and 1/2 minutes.
To travel 145 miles in 3.5 hours requires an average speed of 145/3.5 mph. The distance traveled at this speed for 5 hours would be approximately 207 miles (5 x 145/3.5 miles).
A camel's average speed when walking is about three miles an hour. They don't travel much, however, only getting around 25 miles per day.
A average hot air balloon can travel around 25 miles. But it all depends on how big it is and how much gas you have
Depending on driving conditions - about 2.5 gallons.
If you average 60 mph, you will travel 1260 miles. If you average 20 mpg, you will use 63 gallons.
That depends on how fast you travel it. At an average 75 mph, it will take 3 hours. At an average 60 mph, it will take 45 minutes more.
The units are incompatible as a direct conversion. Given an average speed of travel it could be calculated how much time it would take to travel a given distance.
If you average 60 mph, you will travel 600 miles. If you average 20 mpg, you will use 30 gallons. If you average 30 mpg, you will use 20 gallons.
It depends on how fast you travel.