About 312.5 miles.
503 miles
Buffalo, NY to Indianapolis is about 503 miles. It will take about 7 hours and 44 minutes of total driving time at a constant 65 mph. Add time for stops and delays.
It is 503 miles according to Google Maps.
About 313 miles or 503 kilometres.
The striper will stay in bays and keep fairly close to shore traveling up and down the coastline. One tagged striper was caught 1,000 miles from where it was released. Another striper that was tagged was caught 36 days later 503 miles away averaging 14 miles per day.
487 miles over the I5, 503 miles over the I580
Mississippi river -2,320 miles, Ohio river -981 miles, Wabash river -503 miles
North Carolina's greatest length is 503 miles.
It is around 500 or 503 kilometers.
It is 503 miles according to Google Maps. That is equal to 578.85 nautical miles.
312 Miles - 503 Km