1 US Dollar = .66 UK Pound
$1.00 in US money is 0.7042 Euro in Germany. 1 Euro is equal to about $1.42 (or excactly 1.42005) in US money.
1 US dollar = 1.19119 Australian dollars
For US money-21500 pennies would equal $215. There are 100 pennies to a dollar.
It would take 2 rolls of pennies to equal 1 dollar bill.
It is 2 million Zimbabwe dollars
One dollar
One Australian dollar equal 0,874 84 US dollar.
us dollar
There is no such thing as a Zimbabwe dollar. As of 2017, Zimbabwe has no national currency.
Zimbabwe has 1 official currency the Dollar It also has many other currencies The Euro The US dollar The South African Rand The Botswanan dollar
One US dollar equals 6.29 Venezuelan Bolívar
1 US dollar = 79.4300 Japanese yen
1 US Dollar = .66 UK Pound
How much equal 1 SEK in US dollar