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1000cubic cm

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Q: How much water can a cubic container of 10cm hold?
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A cubic container has a volume of 512 cubic centimeters how much water can it hold?

Assuming that the 512 cubic centimetres refers to the inside measure then the answer is 512 cubic centimetres, of course! Otherwise the answer depends on the thickness of the container.

How many milliliters of water can a 6300 cubic centimeter container hold?

6,300: Milliliters and cubic centimeters (cc) are the same.

A cubic container has a mass of one?

A cubic container has a volume of 1cm^3 and can hold 1 ml of water which has a mass of 1.AnswerMass is measured in kilograms. The mass of a given cubic container depends on the material contained within.

What holds 108 gallons of water?

A container with a volume of 14.44 cubic feet will hold 108 gallons of water.

How many gallons will a container that is 35200 cu feet hold?

A container that is 35200 cubic feet will hold approximately 262,976 gallons.

What size tank do we need for 2 cubic litres of Diesel Fuel?

Two litres of fuel will fit in a container 10cm x 10cm x 20cm.A cubic meter of liquid is 1000 liters, plus you need expansion space...a 2200-liter tank would hold it, but 2500 liters is a standard size so get that one.

How large is 70 cubic meters?

Well, as an example, a 70-cubic meter container could hold up to about 18,500 gallons of water.

What can hold 150000 liters of water?

a 300 liter or bigger tank

How much is one cubic foot?

One cubic foot is a measure of volume. A one cubic meter container could hold up about 264 gallons of water.

How much water does a 24 x 24 x 13 deep container hold?

7488 cubic units

How many lbs will cubic 3.5 feet hold?

To determine how many pounds a cubic 3.5 feet container can hold, you need to know the density of the material being filled into the container. Once you have the density of the material in pounds per cubic foot, you can multiply it by 3.5 cubic feet to find out the total weight the container can hold in pounds.

How many cubic inches does a 9 gallon container hold?

2,079 cubic inches.