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Move the jet onto an small aircraft carrier, ferry, or other ship big enough to hold it. Paint a mark on the hull of the ship showing the water level. Then remove the jet. The ship will rise in the water. Now load the ship with items of known weight (100 pound bales of cotton, whatever) until it sinks to exactly the line you painted on the hull. The total weight of the items will equal the weight of the jet. Alternatively, you can save effort by computing the volume of the ship between the two water levels, and multiplying that by the density of water.
Total water displaced by a ship is equal to the Weight of the ship is a live example
The ships are not made of solid iron. They contain much empty space where the cargo and or passengers go. So the overall density of a ship: its TOTAL mass divided by its TOTAL volume is less than that of water.
Assuming its weight hasn't changed, then as it is floating, the upthrust on it equals its weight and so is the same. What WILL change, however, is how deep in the water it floats. The upthrust is provided by the weight of the displaced volume of water, the volume of which depends upon the density of the water which depends upon the temperature and saltiness (amongst other things) of the water. As freshwater is less dense than [briny] sea water, it will require more volume for the same weight and so the ship will float deeper in freshwater than in [briny] sea water. This can be seen in the load lines on the "Plimsoll Line" where the Freshwater line is much higher than, say, the Winter North Atlantic line (the latter being more salty and colder, and so much more dense) meaning that for the same load, that the waterline in Freshwater will be much higher up the ship than in Winter North Atlantic (or alternatively, the ship will float much deeper in the Freshwater than the Winter North Atlantic).
it is 40
A ship's rudder is used to change the direction of the ship. The rudder is typically located at the rear of the ship and is controlled by a steering wheel or a tiller. By turning the rudder, the flow of water is redirected, causing the ship to turn.
Of the ship
The rudder on a ship is located just below the water, all the way aft (back). It is located behind the propellors so that the water being forced past them from the props pushes on them when you steer.
A rudder is a part of a ship. It is used to steer the ship by pushing water to one side of it and causing the ship to turn by doing so. Modern ships have a number of small rudders, one behind each propeller.
With a rudder
It helps stear, the size of the rudder depends on the size of the ship
to be able to steer a ship with complete control. without ship rudder many people would tip over when there on a boat.
magnetic compass
Rudder trunk is a space between carrier bearing and bush of the rudder stock of a ship's and the space is located just above rudder.
the rudder is mainly behind the propeller and helps turn the ship
A rudder is a blade at the back of a boat or ship that is used to change directions. In other words, it's used to steer!
ya mum