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Depends on how big it is

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Q: How much water does a swimming pool hold?
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What does an average swimming pool hold?

Leaves and water.

How much water does a swimming pool hold that is 18'x32'x48 oval?

Go to the web link below to get the right equasion

Is a swimming pool grams or kilogrames?

What do you exactly mean? How much water swimming pool weigh? Then it is kilograms. Hope that helped:)

How much water in a24x16x16inch swimming pool?

That's more like a bucket then a swimming pool 26.59 gallons 100.65 liters

Why is there more water in the swimming pool than what the swimming pool can physically hold?

because wants to It seems like you are asking why a 5 gallon bucket holds more than 5 gallons of water. IT DOESN'T

How is the water in the swimming pool similar to earth's interior?

Pressure inside Earth increases much like pressure in the swimming pool increases.

How many gallons of water does the average swimming pool hold?

Between 300 - 500 US Gallons in most 3-6 seaters.

What does Swimming in a pool with dirty water and fish mean?

it means your swimming in a pool with dirty water and fish.....get out!

How much water in swimming pool?

The dimensions of the pool are needed to calculate this Well actually depends how big and how much u put in to it!

How many gallons of water does a 24-foot round by 48 above ground swimming pool hold?


Why add hydrochloric acid to swimming pool?

Reduces alkalinity of swimming pool water (softens hard water)

What is the element that is used in swimming pool?

Chlorine is added to swimming pool water to disinfect it.