A 20 foot round pool has a radius of 3.2 feet. So the pool has a volume of pi*r2*h = 101.86 cubic ft approx.
How many gallons of water for a 15'x30' swimming pool?
We can't be sure - we need another dimension. If the Pool is 20 feet long by 48 feet wide, we need to know how deep it is - a 2 foot deep pool will not hold as much as a 10 foot deep pool. If the pool is not a uniform depth, there are formulae used to determin how much water the pool will hold. Try calling Anthony. Or Esther Williams.
It depends on how long the pool is.
Leaves and water.
Go to the web link below to get the right equasion
What do you exactly mean? How much water swimming pool weigh? Then it is kilograms. Hope that helped:)
That's more like a bucket then a swimming pool 26.59 gallons 100.65 liters
because wants to It seems like you are asking why a 5 gallon bucket holds more than 5 gallons of water. IT DOESN'T
Pressure inside Earth increases much like pressure in the swimming pool increases.
Between 300 - 500 US Gallons in most 3-6 seaters.
it means your swimming in a pool with dirty water and fish.....get out!
The dimensions of the pool are needed to calculate this Well actually depends how big and how much u put in to it!
Reduces alkalinity of swimming pool water (softens hard water)
Chlorine is added to swimming pool water to disinfect it.