Let me try and give you a hint. There is something called fluid flow formula. You basically need to know the speed at which the water is flowing and (in this case) the hose length and diameter. Well, it depends on how fast the water is running. Get a clock. Start filling a 10 liter bucket and stop after one minute. Is the bucket full (10 liters per minute), or half full (5 liters per minute)? Or did the bucket fill in half a minute (20 liters per minute)? The answer is in your hands (or in your bucket).
From 12pm to 2:30pm, the hour hand goes 75 degrees. It is the minute hand that goes through 795 degrees.
Nobody prays with Jesus his diciples are asleep
A clock that goes back a minute is better than one that does not work at all because the former can still tell time if well timed.
The minute hand on a clock goes round 24 times in a day (once for each hour)
Water goes through "xylem".
93,150,000 US gallons per minute
the water cycle is the cycle of water and what it goes through
A garden snail goes to a speed of 0.03 mph. An average snail gets 2.36 inches in a minute, and per day about 2.8 m.
Water makes sound slower and if it goes through matter it goes faster
Perhaps it is not the water that goes in through your mouth, but your mouth that consumes the water.
150,000 gallons per seconed
The water goes through the stem.
WaTeR GoEs ThRoUgH ThE HoRsE SkIn
Yes, all the water on Earth goes through the water cycle, which involves evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. This continuous process ensures that water is circulated and renewed on the planet.
because of the rocks it goes through