You will need a maximum of 11,230 gallons of water.
Approx 3437 Imperial gallons.
Exactly 5264.1669 gallons
Is the 22 inch round measurement the circumference? The height of the container must also be given.
You will need a maximum of 11,230 gallons of water.
10,408 US gallons.
This pool holds a maximum of 18,560 gallons of water.
Approx 3437 Imperial gallons.
a 27 foot round by 52 inch deep pool holds 18,550 gallons of water
Exactly 5264.1669 gallons
a 27 foot round by 52 inch deep pool holds 18,550 gallons of water
A 27-foot wide by 52-inch-deep round pool holds a maximum of about 18,551.7 gallons of water.
A fourteen inch pot typically holds about 5-7 gallons of soil, depending on its shape and depth. It is always best to measure the pot's volume directly by filling it with water and pouring that water into a gallon-measuring container for an accurate estimation.