137188 units.
It's called displacement. Say you have a closed irregular object. It takes up space. Dunk it in water and it displaces the water. Finding out how much water was displaced tells you how much space the object took up. That's the volume =P.
Most home electrical hot water tanks will hold 40 gallons.
I need blue prints to build a Carnaval grade Dunk tank
There are several places where one can rent a dunk tank. Paradise Party Rentals offer their dunk tanks for about 130USD per rent day. Another place, funworldparty, offers their dunk tank for 200USD per 6 hours.
Dunk tank
During special parties or outside ativities.
It depends on how much water and how pressure is on the tank.
What kind of tank? How much water is in it? Is there air in the tank? What fills the tank? What kind of pressure from where and what?answerIf the tank is gravity fed, multiply .431 times the altitude that the source is above the tank. For example, the reservoir supplying my domestic water system is approximately 200 feet higher than the valley floor I live on. My water pressure is slightly over 80 psi. If the tank is pump fed, and if you have no information on the pump, you will have to put a gauge on the system.
10,771.2 gallons with a weight of 89,724 pounds NOT including the tank
the salt comes with a scoop and 1 per gal of water is what I do and it has worked great for me
Dunk it in ice water.