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The answer to this question is Dependent on many variables. This depends on where the water is getting lost, how fast it is getting lost, etc...

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Q: How much water is lost in a day?
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Can lost weight in a day?

Yes, but odds are it will be nothing but water weight.

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How does water get lost?

it gets lost when there is too much sun in a certain area example deserts

How much water is adequate per day?

Basic human needs are about 8 to 12 cups per day for a sedentary person. Active and perspiring individuals will need more to replace liquids lost.

What will happen to the plant if too much water is lost?

it dies

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There really is no telling how much water Georgia will use in a single day. This amount of water changes daily.

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about 30 gallons a day...

How much weight can a person loose in one day at wrestling practice?

when i was in wrestling practice i was overweight, and it depends on how much the coach rides you to keep going.... but the most i lost in wrestling practice in one day was about 4-6 pounds, but you have to remember, that is with all the water loss in your body.

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As a runner I have lost up to 10 pounds overnight. But that is only mostly because of water weight, and extended cardio exercise during the day.

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How much rain is lost each day due to evaporation?

1,ooo (ml)

How much water bottles are drunk a day?

At least 8 a day