500 billion liters
Geometry is used everyday by people for tasks like: figuring how much paint or wallpaper they will need to cover the walls of a house, how many floor tiles to redo a kitchen floor, where to build a fence, or the amount of water a swimming pool holds. Geometry helps a person decide what size pot to use to make soup, how to hang a picture straight, or to prune a hedge so it looks neat and level. Geometry is sometimes used without a person realizing it, because it so much resembles plain common sense.
On a water bill, "usage" tells you how much water you have used and are being billed for.
like for counting how many beans are left
The answer depends on the units used for every term that follows 1kg.The answer depends on the units used for every term that follows 1kg.The answer depends on the units used for every term that follows 1kg.The answer depends on the units used for every term that follows 1kg.
Way too much
Way too much
500 galons
500 billion liters
NONE as it is being used for a purpose
Kitchen cooktops can be used for many purposes. Most commonly they are used to cook or heat food, usually in a pan or pot. They can also be used to boil water.
The US military is recovering 1 gal of water from every 2 gal of gas used in a Hummer!
Start with a kitchen appliance store and look in their Kettles and Hot Pots section. Electric kettles are available and they can be used to boil water.
it was used in every poopin floor
The utensils used inside a kitchen can be called as kitchen tools.