A 30 gallon tub would require 320 12-oz can to fill.
The number of buckets of water needed to fill a bath depends on the size of the bath and the size of the bucket. To calculate this, you would need to know the volume of the bath in liters or gallons and the volume of the bucket. You would then divide the volume of the bath by the volume of the bucket to determine how many buckets of water are needed to fill the bath.
vial of water ;D
Assuming an average bathtub has a volume of around 40-60 gallons, which is equivalent to 5,120-7,680 cups of water. A single cup can hold approximately 16 pennies, so the total number of pennies that can fill the average bathtub would be around 81,920-122,880 pennies. This calculation is based on the assumption that the pennies are stacked neatly and compactly without any gaps.
He is famous today because made an important scientific discovery in the year 285 BC.He once calculated the number of sand grains it would take to fill the whole universe!!One day he got into his bath and his water overflowed onto the floor, that gave him an idea...
The number of pints needed to fill a bath can vary depending on the size of the bath, but on average, a standard bath can hold around 50-80 pints of water.
There are no letters in a bath. A bath is a container or fixture used for taking a bath, typically filled with water.
It means to run water and fill up the tub for someone to take a bath.
Definitely not! Please don't mix electricity and water!
Cows can not carry bucket of water,
you need to fill a bath half full. then get into the bath and go under the water. the resultant height change in the water level will reflect you volume. I would suggest that you remain under the water for at least 10mins to allow the water surface level to stablise
That is how you are supposed to fill your hot tub.
it depends how long you run your shower and how full you fill your bath I was going to say a bath, but I like your answer better because it sounds like something I would have said!
9180000 because the average bathtub holds approximately 270 liters
About 200 litres to fill a bath.
1. Fill bath half way 2. Mark the level of the water with a marker pen (line A) 3. Get into the bath 4. Completely submerge yourself into the water, get someone to mark the level of the water with you still completely submerged (line B) 5. Get out of the bath 6. The water level should have gone down back to line A 7. Using a mesuring jug, fill the bath until it has reached line B.. keeping count of the amount of water you've added. 8. The amount of water you added is your body volume :)
It really depends on the size of the bath tub. Yours and mine may differ by a lot.