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Q: How much weaker will a sound be at a distance of 2 meters from the source compared to its intensity at 1 meter?
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Why do sounds get quieter the further away you are from the source?

Louder or fainter means more intense or less intense of sound vibrations respectively.Intensity in turn is the energy per unit area.Imagine the source of sound to be at the centre of a sphere. When you are far away then the radius of the sphere would be larger and thus the surface area of the sphere also becomes larger.As the energy given out by the source of sound is divided by larger area to get the intensity its value becomes lesser. Hence fainter.Ear drums and microphone diaphragms are moved by sound pressure.Note: Sound power (sound intensity) is the cause - and the sound pressure is the effect. The effect is of particular interest to the sound engineer.Another Perspective:The intensity (loudness) of sound decreases with the square of the distance from the source.

What is inverse square law and an example?

inverse square law is the law that states the intensity of the light, sound etc is directly proportional to 1/ distance squared meaning the further you are from the source the less intense the light etc will be. e.g. an object 1m away from a light source 1/1^2=1 , 2m 1/2^2= 1/4 and so forth

How many meters is the thames?

If you mean the length from its source - it's 346 km (215 miles) long

To what is the illumination of a surface by a light source directly proportional?

The illumination on the surface would be reduced by a factor of four, thereforeif the distance from a light source is doubled, the illumination provided by the source is one fourth as great.

How long is a shadow cast by a person 1.9 meters tall?

It depends on where the light source is. If you're talking about the sun, it depends on what time of day it is.

Related questions

How does distance affect intensity?

Distance affects intensity by following the inverse square law, which states that as distance from a source increases, the intensity of the source decreases by the square of the distance. This means that the further you are from a source of intensity, the weaker the intensity will be.

What happens to the light intensity if you half the distance to the source?

The light intensity increases by a factor of four when you half the distance to the source. This is known as the inverse square law, where light intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source.

How is the intensity of light and distance related?

The intensity of light decreases as distance from the source increases. This relationship follows an inverse square law, meaning that if you double the distance from the source of light, the intensity decreases by a factor of four.

How does the intensity of a sound wave change if the distance from the source is reduced by a factor of 3?

The intensity of a sound wave would increase by a factor of 9 (3^2) if the distance from the source is reduced by a factor of 3. This is because intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source.

If the distance from the light source is tripled how much does the light intensity change?

The light intensity decreases by a factor of nine when the distance from the light source is tripled. This relationship is governed by the inverse square law, which states that the intensity of light is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source.

What is the relationship between the intensity of the radiation given off from a radiation source and distance from the radiation source?

The source doesn't care how far you are from it, or whether you're even there, andthere's no relationship between that and the intensity of the radiation it gives off.However, the intensity of the radiation that you receivefrom it is inversely proportionalto the square of your distance from it ... same math as for gravity.

Why does intensity decreases as the distance from the light source increases?

Intensity decreases as the distance from a light source increases due to the spreading out of light waves over a larger area. This leads to light being more dispersed and less concentrated at a greater distance from the source. The inverse square law dictates that the intensity of light decreases proportionally to the square of the distance from the source.

What happens to the light intensity if you tripled the distance to the source?

If you triple the distance to the source, the light intensity decreases by a factor of 9 (3 squared) because the intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. This means that the light will appear much dimmer compared to when it was closer to the source.

How does distance affect intensity of radiation?

The intensity of radiation decreases with distance following an inverse square law. This means that as you move farther away from the radiation source, the intensity decreases exponentially. Therefore, the closer you are to the source, the higher the radiation intensity you will experience.

What is the relationship between the distance from the source and loudness?

The relationship between distance from the source and loudness is that as distance increases, the sound intensity decreases, resulting in lower perceived loudness. This follows the inverse square law, meaning that the sound intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source.

How does light intensity vary with distance form the source?

Light intensity decreases as distance from the source increases. This is because light spreads out in all directions as it travels, causing the same amount of light to be distributed over a larger area the further it travels. This decrease in light intensity follows an inverse square law, meaning that the intensity decreases proportionally to the square of the distance from the source.

By how many times must the distance from a point source be increased to reduce the sound intensity by half?

The distance must be doubled to reduce the sound intensity by half. This follows the inverse square law, which states that sound intensity decreases in proportion to the square of the distance from the source.