If you work an 8 hour day for a week, you would earn $504 - taxes.
$192.31 per hour for a 40-hour work week.
Assuming an 8 hour day and a five day week = 1,690,000 a week.If you earn $42,250.00 a year you are earning $20.31 per hour.
they earn $38 an hour
The standard answer is to divide the annual rate by 2000 to get an hourly rate. Assumes a 40 hour work week and a 50 week work year$49,000 / 2000 hours = $24.50/hour
how much do medical assistants earn per hour
around 7.20 an hour
£2000 a week
The average is 550 an hour
If you work an 8 hour day for a week, you would earn $504 - taxes.
$192.31 per hour for a 40-hour work week.
£2000 pound a week
Actually it is $70