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Q: How much will it cost approximately if you left water hose on for 48 hours?
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How much does it cost to repair a water pump bypass hose on Pontiac Montana 2001?

Cost me $110. $57 for the hose and $35 for the antifreeze.

How much does it cost to run a water hose for 1 hour?

This will depend on where you live and the cost of water in that region. It will also depend on how hard the hose is turn on and how much water is running from it. For example, if the hose is spraying water at a rate of one litre per second, and the cost of water in your region is one dollar per litre, then it will cost sixty dollars a minute and a total of $3600 for the full hour.

Approximately how far can a human go below the water while breathing form a hose that rises above the water?

100 feet under water

How much does 100' of 3 hose filled with water weigh?

Assuming the hose has an inner diameter of 1 inch, 100 feet of 3" hose filled with water would weigh approximately 6,242 pounds.

How many gallons of water is in a 2.5 inch fire hose fifty feet long?

A 2.5 inch fire hose has a capacity of approximately 60 gallons per 100 ft. Therefore, a 50 ft hose would hold around 30 gallons of water.

What is the process for adding water to a recently evaporated fiberglass pool?

Fill it with water from a hose with your pump running, wait a couple hours and then test the water and adjust your chemicals.

How can you run water uphill with a garden hose?

You can run water uphill with a garden hose by decreasing the size of the hose as it moves away from the water source. By decreasing the hose size, pressure in the hose increases and the water will travel uphill.

How much per meter is hydraulic hose?

Hydraulic hose cost per meter depends on the gauge of hose desired, but as an example, 5/16" hydraulic hose can be obtained for approximately 3.48 British Pounds Sterling per meter. 1.3/16" hydraulic hose can be obtained for approximately 11.43 BSP per meter.

How many gallons does a water hose put out in a 24 hour period?

That's going to depend on the length and diameter of the hose, the material the hose is made of, the type of nozzle at the output end, the water pressure at the source, and how far open the valve is at the source. You haven't told us any of those details. If every hose put out the same amount of water in 24 hours, then the same hose you use to water the tomatoes and daisies could be used to fight a fire in a burning paper warehouse.

How long does it take to fill a 18000 gallon pool?

Using a standard garden hose, it can take days to fill a 25,000 gallon pool. You might contact a company that fills pools for a fee so that you need not wait as long, and to prevent the additional cost on your water bill. Observationally, once the liner is punctured, it takes only a matter of minutes to empty one.

How does a hose work?

Can you be specific? If you mean a garden hose, then basically water is let into the hose and pressure forces the water out.

Is a water hose with running water a siphon?

If the end of the hose is running in a pool of water, yes