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Q: How much work is required to lift a 3.1 kg concrete block to a height of 1.6 m?
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How much work is required to lift a 3.7kg concrete block to a height of 2.2 m?

The work required to lift the concrete block can be calculated using the formula: Work = force x distance. First, you need to calculate the force required to lift the block, which is equal to the weight of the block multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2). Then, multiply the force by the distance lifted (2.2 m) to find the work done.

How much work is required to lift a kg concrete block to a height of 3.8 m?

The work required to lift the concrete block can be calculated using the formula: work = force x distance. If the concrete block weighs 1 kg, then the force required to lift it against gravity can be calculated as force = mass x gravity, where gravity is approximately 9.81 m/s^2. So, the work done would be work = 1 kg x 9.81 m/s^2 x 3.8 m.

How much work is required to lift a 4.8 kg concrete block to a height of 1.7 m?

The work done in lifting the concrete block can be calculated using the formula: work = force x distance. Since the force required to lift the block is equal to its weight (mg), the work done is equal to the weight of the block multiplied by the height it is lifted (W = mgh). Plugging in the values given (m = 4.8 kg, g = 9.8 m/s^2, and h = 1.7 m) will give the work required in joules.

How much work is required to lift a 4.6-kg concrete block to a height of 4.0 m?

The work done in lifting the concrete block is given by the formula: Work = Force x Distance. In this case, the force is the weight of the block (m*g) and the distance is the height it is lifted. Therefore, the work done is: Work = (4.6 kg) x (9.81 m/s^2) x (4.0 m) = 180 J.

How much force to lift 50 kilograms onto a shelf 3 meters high?

To calculate the force needed to lift 50 kilograms onto a shelf 3 meters high, you would use the formula: Force = mass x gravity x height. Assuming a gravitational acceleration of 9.81 m/s^2, the force required would be approximately 1471.5 Newtons.

How much work is required to lift a 4.5kg concrete block to a height of 1.7m?

The work required to lift the concrete block is calculated as the product of the force applied and the distance lifted. The work done would be 77.4 J, which is calculated as Work = force x distance = (4.5 kg x 9.81 m/s^2) x 1.7 m = 77.4 J.

A fixed single pulley that is used to lift a block does what?

The choices are:A. Doubles the force required to lift the blockB. Decreases the force required to lift the blockC. Makes the block easier to lift by changing the direction of the force needed to lift it.D. Decreases the force required and changes the direction of the force required

Calculate the work needed to lift a 90N block of ice a vertical distance of 3m What PE does it have?

The work done to lift the block of ice is calculated as follows: Work = force × distance = 90N × 3m = 270 Joules. The potential energy (PE) of the block of ice when lifted to a height of 3m is equal to the work done to lift it, which is 270 Joules.

How does using an inclined plane affect the work required to lift an item?

Using an inclined plane decreases the amount of force needed to lift an item vertically. By spreading the work over a longer distance along the plane, the force required to lift the item is reduced. This makes it easier to lift heavier objects or lift objects to a greater height.

What is the lift height required for a 1997 jeep wrangler?

What do you want to do? A three or four inch lift will permit most tire size changes that the majority of people would want to do.

Describe the effect that height has on the force and energy needed to lift an object?

The force needed to lift an object is directly proportional to its weight, not its height. However, lifting an object at a greater height requires more energy due to the work done against gravity over a longer distance. So, height affects the energy required to lift an object but not the force needed.

What is the minimum energy required to lift an object weighing 200 newtons to a height of 20 meters?

The minimum energy required to lift an object is equal to the work done, which is given by the formula: work = force x distance. In this case, the work done would be 200 N (force) x 20 m (distance) = 4000 joules. Therefore, the minimum energy required to lift the object weighing 200 N to a height of 20 meters is 4000 joules.