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Q: How much would each angle equal on an 7 sided figure?
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Related questions

What is a four sided figure with four equal sides and no right angles?

A four sided figure with four equal sides and no right angles is a diamond, or a rhombus. If it had four right angles, it would be a square.

What is the sum of a 6 sided figure?

98 because 6 plus each angle would be 98

Can you make a four sided figure with all the sides equal?

Yes. It would be a square.

What is the name of a four sided figure with a right angle?

I would say a square, it has four right angles and four sides.

A 3-sided figure having 2 equal sides?


What is a 7 side figure?

A seven sided figure would be a heptagon. A Reuleaux heptagon, is a seven sided figure, but having constant diameter. [As seen in some British coins]. But a regular heptagon would have seven equal sides that were each straight.

Would a 6 sided figure be a quadrilateral?

No. A quadrilateral is a four sided figure

What angle would you cut to get a 6 sided shape?

cut the angle of a decagon in half the cut angle for equal sides is 30 degrees on each end take 180 degrees divide bt # of sides and this will give you the cut angle for any euqal sided shape

A four-sided figure with 4 equal sides and no right angles?

A four-sided polygon with all sides equal and no right angles would be a rhombus. A rhombus consists of two acute angles and to obtuse angles.

What is the interior angle of a 23 sided polygon?

The sum of the interior angles of any regular polygon of n sides is equal to 180(n - 2) degrees. Each angle would be 164.35 degrees

What do you call a million sided figure?

It would be a Megagon, but this purely a theoretical construct- Mega-in popular use-million, litl. Large, Gon- angle- Pentagon has five angles.

How many degrees are in a 16 sided figure?

2340 degrees would be in a 16 sided polygon.