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Q: How much would something cost if it is 360.00 and the tax is 6 percent?
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If something cost 15 dollars and it it 20 percent off how much would it cost?

It would cost 12 dollars

How much would you pay if something cost 800.00 and you were taxed 15 percent?


If something cost 120 and you get 10 percent off?

If something costs 120 and you get 10 percent off, you would save 12 dollars. Therefore, the item would cost 108 dollars after the discount.

How much would it cost if you bought something for 47.52 with tax of three percent?

47.52 x 1.03 = 48.95

How much would something cost if it is ten percent of 23.99?

2.39 because you divide 23.99 by 10 giving you this.

How do get something free with a fifty percent off coupon?

You can't. It would be 50% percent of whatever the normal cost or half. So even if it was 0.02 it would still be 0.01. Now, if it was 0.01 then whatever the cost would be up to the shopkeeper. This reminds me of Zeno's paradox. You should check it out.

What would the total cost be if you give a 20 percent percent tip?

The total would be 1.002 times the basic cost.

If something cost 19.95 and you get 85 percent off of the cost how much do you pay?

You would pay 2.99 85% of 19.95 is 16.9575 off - leaving 15% of the original cost, i.e. 2.9925, which would be rounded to just 2.99

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Multiply by 1.75

What is a 10 percent discount of 140?

A 10 percent discount of 140 is a discount of 14 (.10 x 140) Thus after a 10 percent discount, something that costs 140 would now cost 140 - 14 = 126

What does 100 percent mean?

Sold something for an amount of money that cost nothing.

What would the average year fixed rate mortgage cost?

The average of a 30 years contract would cost about 3.57 percent of the available capital. The average of a 15 years contract would cost about 2.72 percent.