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draw a accurate pentagon then join all the points with lines you will now see a star with a pentagon inside now try and make a smaller pentagon inside. now draw some tabs cut all of this out and score all the lines glue all the tabs (p.v.a. glue would be more useful but any glue that is not a stick would help) now repeat this glue them together and then you have your dodecahedron
Double click the ruler > a "Tabs" panel should pop up. there you can see all the tabs (in length). Click on a tab you wish to clear then click clear. then ok.
on the left hand side
An elevator on a airplane are tabs on the tail that control its up and down motion in the air
Any metal recycling center.
i hard that an chicago pay for one gallon of milk 400 hundred dollar for pop tabs but i dont know where the milk an pop tabs or not the same thank you
That a gallon a milk is worth about $1.50 or so its not worth a lot
about 20 since every soda tab is about 5 cents each I think it is closer to 2300 tabs. Can aluminum is going for about 55 cents per pound today. At 1250 tabs per pound that is equivalent to about 2300 tabs per dollar.
aluminum factory
It depends on how much you can get per pound of aluminum pull tabs.The type I silver aluminum pull tab (the normal pop can tab which accounts for 96.21% of the U.S. market) weighs in at about 0.65 pounds per thousand (0.0104 ounces each). These tabs have no special value other than the fact that they are scrap aluminum.A gallon of tabs is about 3,400-4,700 tabs (they is no way to get an exact number, as I have recorded 156 different tabs, and there is the matter of the little curly thing which tangles all the tabs together and can affect volume by up to 36%), so a gallon should weigh in close to 2.65 pounds.As scrap aluminum is going for 50 cents to a dollar, depending where you live, yoiu would therefore have a value of $1.33 to $2.65 in metal.The story of the special value of a gallon of tabs all started during a 1998 Tab Fest (a Wisconsin Concert for charity) collection, where one of the participants wanted to turn in the most tabs, and told all of his friends that he would buy a keg of beer for whoever brought him the most tabs (i have also heard that the prize was $75, a Guitar, etc, but it was in fact a keg of beer). In this fellows little contest, the winning contributor turned in a 1 gallon milk jug of tabs. It should be noted that in 1998, the dominant tab was the Type III silver, which we now find on 24 ounce beer cans, weighing in at 14.7 ounces per 1,000, though I would assume they still would weigh in at about 2.65 pounds per gallon$100 worth of tabs at the national average of 75 cents per pound, would take up the space of a picnic cooler, where as $100 in aluminum cans would fill a good sized van.Anybody who chooses to believe the rumor of tabs being worth more than scrap aluminum is welcome to contact me, I'll sell you 5 gallons for $100.coindude1@charter.netSource(s):http://cubmaster526.angelfire.com/gallon…
Aluminum can tabs (and the rest of the can too) can be completely recycled and processed into new cans. If you have a recycler who pays for aluminum, then you can sell your tabs and cans. Don't save just the tabs, recycle the whole can!
No. It is not true. From time to time, a business like McDonalds restaurants or Mobil gas stations might run a promotion, where you get something for a bag of pull tabs. But there is nothing about pull tabs that makes them any more valuable than their weight in scrap aluminum or steel, which is not much.
The pull tabs which are most desirable for fundraising are pure aluminum, and aluminum is a non magnetic metal. By passing a magnet over or through your collection of tabs you can separate the non aluminum tabs which will yield a lower price per pound.
Answer for the USA: Yes, you can get 40 cents per pound at a scrap metal yard. That would mean collecting 750 pounds of aluminum to get $300. There are about 30 cans to the pound, so, the can is usually worth more at a recycling center, since 30 cans would be worth only 40 cents as scrap metal, but would be worth $1.50 at a recycling center. If you just recycled the tabs, you would need an enormous number. 1600 tabs weigh about 1 pound, so you would need 1.2 Million Tabs to get 300 Pounds
there are 49700 pop tabs in a 5 gallon water jug