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Q: How often have you helped a coworker in the past 6 months even though it may have reduced your productivity?
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The best way to measure the levels of production in business is to establish benchmarks and then measure productivity over time. You can choose to measure productivity every three months.

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Yes. Cows have the highest productivity for 10 months after they have had their calf. Milk productivity slowly decreases over time, so she must be bred every year.

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About 80 people died in the first 6 months

Can you get a new cellphone in 2 months even though your phone plan is up in 6 months?

well it really depends on your phone company. Yes you could, but you would pay more money for the new phone. I suggest waiting for the 6 months. hope that helped!:) --- Talk to your cell service provider. AT&T allowed me to get a newphone at the reduced price ahead of time, as my existing phone had broken and I only had a few months left before my 2-year contract was up. I think it helped by mentioning if forced to pay full retail I would instead be switching to a different cell service company because they would give me a reduced price right away...and even if I continued paying on my AT&T service to avoid cancllation fees I would be money ahead.

Advantages of Windows 7 in business?

According to a new study published by IDC and commissioned by Microsoft, the return on investment of Windows 7 Professional on average, can expect to recover their investments in as little as seven months after deploying the OS―with 375% ROI. The research from IDC shows significant benefits for end users, which translates as significant downtime reduction and productivity increase. Overall, IDC found that Windows 7 Professional helped increase employee productivity by 2.5%, freeing up an additional 51 hours per user, per year-more than one full work week per employee. For an organization with 15 employees whose salaries average $25,000―a savings of more than $9,200 annually. These gains were realized in four primary areas: Reduced Self-Support, Improved Security, and Increased Productivity from New Features

Why would a man dating a female coworker for a few months briefly back off because growing up she was sheltered and focused on education then later break up and inexplicably accuse her of playing him?


How should you handle an older male coworker who dated you for two months breaks up by falsely accusing you of playing him yet still waves hi when he sees you then deliberately snubs you afterwards?

get him fired. get him fired.

What is appropriate when you find out a previous coworker friend has a deadly disease but you haven't talked in 6 months can you send a card etc directly to his house or what else can you do?

Yes that would be nice and also a visit will do alot of good.

How can a girl get 270 dollors before 6 months?

- hope this helped N.C.