If you were born in 1970 you will turn 40 in 2010.
40yrs old.
forty years old
If you were born December 11, 1970 you would have turned 39 in 2009.
You would be forty two years old.
Queen Latifah was born on March 18, 1970.
Secretariat was born on March 30, 1970.
John Carter Cash was born March 3, 1970. Thus, 39 years old.
Queen Latifah is 47 years old (born Dana Owens, March 18, 1970).
Rachel Weisz was born on March 7, 1970
You are today 3/8/2010: 14,610 days old.
Queen Latifah was born on March 18, 1970
Maceo was born on March 24, 1970.
Vasilis Avlonitis was born on January 1, 1904 and died on March 10, 1970. Vasilis Avlonitis would have been 66 years old at the time of death or 111 years old today.