On his birthday in 2009, a person born in 1949 turns 60.
If you were born March 8 1949 until today Feb 19 2010 you would be 22,263 days old.
They will turn 64 in 2013.
Born in 1949 so as of this year he is 64.
On his birthday in 2009, a person born in 1949 turns 60.
He Was born In 1949.
61 years old
A person born in 1949 will turn 64 in 2013.
If you were born March 8 1949 until today Feb 19 2010 you would be 22,263 days old.
Well, honey, if you're 62 years old today, then you were born in 1959. Simple math, darling. Now, go on and enjoy your day, and don't stress about those numbers too much. Age is just a number, after all!
61 years old (as of November 2010)
He was born in 1949 or 50, according to what he told me.
He wasn't born until 1958.
Tim Hodgkinson is 62 years old (birthdate: May 1, 1949).