how old would i be if i was born august 18, 1957
18 years. or 212 months.
17 years old !!!!!! 17 years old !!!!!! 18 years old !!!!!!!!!!! 2009
Given the current date of August 2010, you would be 37 years old.
As of August 5, 2010, someone born on October 25, 1991 would be 18 years old.
Ben Kerfoot is 18. He was born on August 5th 1992.
Hayley Chase was born on august 16 1991 and she's 18 now.
On 14 November 2010, 2months 27days old, or almost 3 months.
how old would i be if i was born august 18, 1957
On 14 November 2010, she is 2months 27days old, or almost 3 months.
On 14 November 2010, she is 2months 27days old, or almost 3 months.
A person born August 18, 1997 will have turned 13 in 2010.
18 years old(she born in august 11)
he was born in august 18, 1988
Liam Payne was born on August 29,1993 he is 18 right now :)
As of April 2010, you are 18 years old. You will turn 19 on August 12, 2010.
Liam Payne was born on August 29,1993 he is 18 right now :)