If you were born in 1979, you will turn 31 in 2010.
31 years old.
30 (2009-1979)
You'd be 32 years old.
You would be 31 years old.
If you were born in 1979, you will turn 31 in 2010.
They would be 33 if they were born in 1979
If a leprechaun was born in 1979 and it is currently 2021, the leprechaun would be 42 years old.
31 years old.
2004 - 1979 = 25
30 (2009-1979)
she was born in 1979
As of September 2011, someone born on December 1, 1979 would be 31 years old.
33 years old
30 - 2009