People born in 1998 will turn 17 in 2015.
If you were born in 1992, you would be (turning) 23 years old in 2015.
8 years old since 1985 minus 1977 is 8.
30 years old
If you were born in 1985, and the current year is 2022, then you would be 37 years old.
People born in 1998 will turn 17 in 2015.
He is borned in 29 of December 1996
because we were borned, son!
If you were born in 1992, you would be (turning) 23 years old in 2015.
Jaime Bennington is a man who borned old an died young
Mixed pronouns notwithstanding, people born in 1972 turn 37 in 2009.
Pink borned in 1979, so she had 27 years! ;)
Skandar Keynes is 20 years old (birthdate: September 5, 1991).
Ok. i know now. He is 27 this year borned in the year 1981. (:
Cocoon (1985)
No, "borned" is not a real word. The correct past tense of "born" is "borne" for passive voice and "birthed" for active voice.