2013 − 1981 = 32 years old.
If I was born December 9, 1981 I would be 29!
You would have been 14 on your birthday in 1981 if you were born in 1967 .
29 yrs old, i think
If you are born December 28, 1981 then you are 28 years old currently turning 29 in 2010.
If I were born in April 1981, I would be 40 years old.
He was born on 25th April 1981.
He was born on 1981, April 8th
She was born April 28, 1981. So she is 28.
Alex Burrows is 33 years old (born on April 11, 1981).
Jonathan Trott is 29 years old. He was born on April 22, 1981.
Sean white was born on April 25, 1981.He is 29 years old.
Catalina sandino was born on April 19, 1981.she is 29 years old
If you were born on that date, as of April 24, 2014, you would be 33 years old.
If you were born on this date you would be 28 years old, turning 29 on the 15th April 2010.
Hayden Christensen was born on April 19, 1981
US actor Alexander "Alex" Vincent is 36 years old (birthdate: April 29, 1981).