2017 - 1973 = 44
If you were born in 1973 you will turn 37 in 2010.
37 or 38 years old
....Simple math! 2010-1973=37!
A person born in 1973 would be 36 years old on his or her birthday in 2009.
2017 - 1973 = 44
People born in 1973 will turn 44 in 2017.
If you were born in 1973 you will turn 37 in 2010.
37 or 38 years old
....Simple math! 2010-1973=37!
you would be 36 years old
she is 39 years old. (1973 born)
Diamond Foxxx was born on January 5, 1973.
He was born in 1973.
36years 9months