If your voltage gauge fluctuates it could mean that the battery you are testing has a bad cell or several bad cells. Volt fluctuation might also be attributed to bare wires or damage to the starter.
Someone born in May 1946 would turn 67 years old in May 2013.
66 years old.
u would be 60 yrs old
In 2016 you'd be about 70 years old.
Someone born in May 1946 would turn 67 years old in May 2013.
She was born in 1946
66 years old.
In 2009, if you were born on November 18, 1946, you would be 62 years old.
u would be 60 yrs old
63 or 62 depending on when your bithday is.
He was born on 17 October 1946.
She is old enough to be your Mom
Gloria Loring-Lagler is 71 years old. She was born Gloria Goff on December 10, 1946.
In 2016 you'd be about 70 years old.