You are 28 until your birthday in 2013,
and you turn 29 on that day.
If you were born in 1984 you would turn 13 in 1997.
As of November 2011, someone born in June 1952 will be 59 years old.
Current Age = Current Year - Year of Birth, if the person has had a birthday in the current year and one year less than that if not.
35 Years Old Born: 1984
Nautica Thorn is 26 years old (birthdate: June 13, 1984).
Indigo is 27 years old (birthdate: June 25, 1984).
Collins Pennie is 26 (born June 20th 1984)
21. he was born in February 1963.The 1984 NBA draft was in June, 1984.
Kim was born October 21, 1980 and Khloé was born June 27, 1984.
Dustin Johnson was born on June 22, 1984
Khloe Kardashian was born on June 27, 1984
June Marlowe was born on November 6, 1903.
"Jenaveve Jolie" is about 33 years old (birthdate claimed: June 4, 1984).*June 4 is Angelina Jolie's birthday in 1975
Gabrielle Walcott was born on June 26, 1984.
Chris Weidman is 30 years old. He was born on June 17, 1984 in Baldwin, New York.