18 years. or 212 months.
As of today's date, August 23, 2010, if you were born on August 24, 1990, you would be 7304 years old.
As of August 2021, if you were born on July 27, 1987, you would be 34 years old.
2012-1988 = 24. You would be 24 on October 1 this year, so you'd be 23 right now (on August 6, 2012)
24 years old.
US singer August Alsina is 24 years old (born September 3, 1992).
Jordan Sweeto, a singer and YouTube gamer, is 24 years old (born August 12, 1992).
Frances Bean Cobain is 24 years old (birthdate: August 18, 1992).She is the daughter of Courtney Love and the late Kurt Cobain (Nirvana).
US actor Ari Stidham (of the series Scorpion) is 24 years old (born August 22, 1992).
Cara Jocelyn Delevingne was born on August 12th, 1992.
Wilderness hiker Christopher McCandless (aka Alexander Supertramp) was 24 years old when he died in August, 1992. He starved to death and his body was found on September 6, 1992. (birthdate February 12, 1968)
Augusto Schuster was born on August 24, 1992, in Santiago, Chile.
Islam Dzhabrailov is 24 years old (birthdate: August 16, 1992).
you would be 17 years old
Croatian footballer Matej Delač is 24 years old (birthdate: August 20, 1992).
US swimmer Elizabeth Beisel is 24 years old (birthdate: August 18, 1992).