At January 20th 2009 you would be 19 years old
You are about to turn 23.
As of April 2011, you would be 20 years old.
If born on the 18th of December 1964, then on today, the 20th of July 2013, you would be 48.
He turned 24 on December 20th :D
Emmanuel Hudson is 27 years old (born December 13, 1990).
At January 20th 2009 you would be 19 years old
Born Dec 20th 1990, you do the math
he was born on December 26th, 1990.
You are about to turn 23.
Aaron Ramsey was born on December 26, 1990.
He is 17 and he was born in December 28 1990.
Andy Biersack is 27 years old. He was born December 26, 1990.
If you were born from January 1990-December 1990: Then you would be 19 years old now ONLY IF YOU HAVE HAD YOUR BIRTHDAY! IF YOU STILL NOT HAD YOUR BIRTHDAY, YOUR STILL 18 years of age.
born December 22, 1990,so 2009 he would be 19yrs old.
As of April 2011, you would be 20 years old.
Currently in 2010, David Archuleta is 19 years old. He will be turning 20 in December. He was born on December 28, 1990.