If you are 85 years old and have not yet celebrated your birthday in 2010, then you were born in 1924.
If you are 98 years old, you were born 98 years ago. To determine the specific year, you would subtract your current age from the current year. For example, if the current year is 2022, you would subtract 98 from 2022 to find that you were born in 1924.
Heron Domingues was born on June 4, 1924, in So Gabriel, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
This number is 1924.
During the year 2011, anyone who was born in the year 1924 has or will be turning 87 years old.
You could not be 94 years old when you were born! When you are born, you are 0 years old!
Dennis Brutus was born on November 28, 1924.
Well, honey, if you're 87 years old, it ain't rocket science to figure out you were born in 1934. Math doesn't lie, unlike some people I know. So, there you have it, simple as that.
a person would have been 42
I believe on her nifty over fifty video, she mentions that she was born in 1942.
21 years old. He was born on 22d of September, 1991.
You can compute it by subtracting the birth_year against the current_year, the result is the present age. So, current_year - 1924 = present age.
George HW Bush was born on June 12, 1924
Doris is born 1924, so she turned 90 in 2014.
As today is the 1st January 2010 and you are already 85 years old you were born in 1924.